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Planning a Memorial Service

June 29, 2020

Planning a Memorial Service

Planning a Memorial Service Tennessee Memorials strives to provide our customers with integrity and passion for any product or service received through our company. Deal with Controversies Consider if there are issues you need to discuss or conflicts you need to resolve that will help attendees deal with the death. It may be best to

Memorial Service Tips

June 28, 2020

Memorial Service Tips

Memorial Service Tips A memorial service is an honoring of a loved one. It is an opportunity to morn and says goodbye with the support of family and friends.   A small group from the family or best friends are usually involved in planning a memorial service.  It is best if one person takes the lead

monuments TN Memorials

March 21, 2020

Do you need a monument?

Do you need a monument? Why is the desire to build monuments so strong and lasting? What in us sparks the desire or need to build monuments? The easy answer comes from the word itself, Monument. The origin of the word comes from a Latin/ French word “Monere”, which means to remind. For thousands of

Pet Markers Knoxville, TN

March 10, 2020

After losing a pet

After losing pet decisions can be very difficult. Our pets give us companionship, friendship, and unconditional love. If you’ve lost a pet, creating a pet memorial can be a beautiful way to honor them. Perfect Memorials has a wide range of pet memorials to choose from, including pet urns, stone memorials, and figurines. You might

Custom Memorials Knoxville Tennessee

March 1, 2020

Carson King

Cars are a big part of East Tennessee once in a while we have an opportunity to be a part of something special in our local community. We had the honor of making the memorial for this young man. this is what WBIR said. Our local community had an incredible show of support in Maryville,

Ceramic photos vs engraved photos

A photo can convey so much more than words. A photo can show the best time in a person’s life. Or a photo can bring us back to a point or event that means something to friends and family. We believe that displaying photos of loved one’s memories can help us remember who they are

Remember Your Loved One on Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2020

Remember Your Loved One on Valentine’s Day.

Remember Your Loved One on Valentine’s Day. Look at photos of them together.  Often times our memories can ignite by seeing our loved one in a photo.  That photo helps capture a certain event or gathering which may be dear to our heart. Share Stories about them with others.  Telling a story about someone we

stone monument Maryville, TN

January 11, 2020

End-of-Life Resources and How to Find Them

When a person nears the end of his or her life, each passing day is consuming. Consumed by confusion, sorrow, denial, and even acceptance. Death is an inevitable fact of life. Although surrounded by loved ones and close friends, death can also be a lonely process for us. There are countless end-of-life resources that are

Headstones in Braille Knoxville, TN

January 9, 2020

Headstone Construction

Headstones have changed drastically over time. But, we still use old-world fabrication techniques daily. Legacy Headstones has specialized in handcrafting high-quality headstones for almost a century. We take great pleasure in educating our customers about the heritage and history of headstone construction. These structures have been devices of human culture since the beginning of time.

Grave site Investment

January 2, 2020

Gravesites Investments

There are pros and cons to every investment opportunity. Some people prefer to stick with the classics. Classics such as mutual funds, savings bonds, and stocks. There is a gravesite investment that is taking the financial market by storm. Have you have been searching for a venture that’s a little out of the ordinary? Look