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Tips for Memorial Service - Tennessee Memorials Knoxville and Maryville

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Tips for Memorial Service

Tips for Memorial Service

Tennessee Memorials

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8 Tips for Writing Memorial Service Speeches

Keep it short and to the point

You have heard the saying “less is more”. It is important to remember when writing a speech for a memorial service. You likely shared numerous experiences with your loved one. He or she had a lot of good qualities and interests that you want to share.
The most effective memorial service speeches are 5 to 10 minutes in length. Focus on the deceased’s qualities that you will remember the most about him or her. Share a story or two that best depicts these qualities and that everyone in attendance will be able to relate to.

Introduce yourself

People who read memorial service speeches often forget to introduce themselves. A wide range of people will be attending the funeral and not everyone will know who you are.
It can help to give a brief background on how you knew the deceased. This may not be necessary if they were a family member. If you are a friend of the deceased it is helpful to provide some information on where and when you met the person..

Remember who it is about

It is important to remember the purpose of the eulogy speech. You are there to honor and pay tribute to the person who passed away. People delivering speeches will often start to speak too much about their personal relationship with the deceased. Furthermore, people will also speak about the grief they are feeling over the loss.
It is understandable why people do this. It creates a disconnect between the person giving the speech and the audience. The goal should be to share information about the deceased. This is so people attending the funeral can learn more about the person. Also, to remember the time they shared with the deceased.
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